麦何穆德 博士
Dr. Mehmood NAWAZ
Assistant Professor
Director of Social Robotics & Digital Living Laboratory

Dr. Mehmood Nawaz is a leading expert in Electrical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Vision. He obtained his PhD degree from the City University of Hong Kong and his Master’s degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University. With over seven years of research experience and more than two years in teaching, he has made significant contributions to AI, deep learning, machine learning, medical imaging, and data science. Dr. Nawaz has held postdoctoral research positions at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong, working on medical imaging, sensor fusion, and data analysis. He has co-supervised multiple PhD and MS students, highlighting his leadership in academia. He has published numerous high-impact papers on topics such as deep learning for medical imaging and autonomous vehicles. His awards include the Outstanding Academic Performance Award from the City University of Hong Kong (2019) and the Excellent International Student Award from Shanghai Jiaotong University (2017). Dr. Nawaz is an active member of IEEE, a reviewer for several IEEE journals, and serves on the editorial boards of international journals.


Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning and Data Science
  • Computer Vision and Image Processing
  • Deep Learning Applications
  • Medical Imaging Techniques and Analysis
  • Signal Processing Fundamentals
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Autonomous Systems and Sensor Fusion
  • Advanced Topics in Neural Networks
  • Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Area of Interest

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Medical Imaging
  • Image Analysis
  • Data Science
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • Sensor Fusion

Academic Qualifications

  • PhD, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2017-2020)
  • MS, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China (2014 - 2017)
  • BS, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan (2008-2012)

Funded Projects

  • 2024: Smart FOOD Monitoring Device using Artificial Intelligence with smart sensors, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP\10-1023) (Ongoing) (Principle-Investigator).
  • 2024: Real-time Artificial Intelligence Driven Campsite Animal Activity Monitoring and Analysis, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP\O-001183), (Ongoing) (Principle-Investigator).
  • 2024: Development of Artificial Intelligence-based Predictive Tool for Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessment: A Domain Adaptation Perspective (UGC/FDS24/E18/22) (Ongoing) (Co-Investigator).
  • 2023: Developing Thermal Image Recognition Algorithm using Convolution Neural Network, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Productive Council (HKPC), (Completed) (Project member).
  • 2022: Development of Super-Resolution Bioimaging Method for the Wrist: From Portable Wristband EIT to Detailed MRI Wrist Anatomy, The University of Hong Kong, (Completed) (Project Team Member).
  • 2020: Image Segmentation and Matching Based on Unsupervised Learning, City University of Hong Kong, (Completed) (Project Team Member).
  • 2020: Machine Learning for Data Engineering Applications, City University of Hong Kong (Completed) (Project Team Member).
  • 2019: High Dimensional Pattern Detection and Analysis, City University of Hong Kong, (Completed) (Project Team Member).
  • 2018: Investigation of EGFR Inter-domain Relations and Their Roles in Lung Cancer Drug Resistance, City University of Hong Kong, (Completed) (Project Team Member).
  • 2017: Image and Video Data Mining and Classification, City University of Hong Kong, (Completed) (Project Team Member).


Journal Papers
  • Wei, Y., Abaxi, S.M.D., Nawaz Mehmood, Li, L., Qu, F., Cheng, G., Hu, D., Ho, Y.P., Yuan, S.W., Ho, H.P. (2023). Deep Learning Approach for Large-Scale, Real-Time Quantification of Green Fluorescent Protein-Labeled Biological Samples in Microreactors. Small Methods.
  • Nawaz Mehmood, Tang, J., Bibi, K., et al. (2023). Towards a Robust Cognitive Capability with Sensor Fusion in Autonomous Vehicles: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • Zahra, A., Qureshi, R., Sajjad, M., Sadak, F., Nawaz Mehmood, Khan, H.A., Uzair, M. (2023). Current Advances in Imaging Spectroscopy and Its State-of-the-Art Applications. Expert Systems with Applications.
  • Nawaz Mehmood, Bibi, K., et al. (2023). Unravelling the Complexity of Optical Coherence Tomography Image Segmentation Using Machine and Deep Learning Techniques: A Review. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.
  • Zuojun, W., Nawaz Mehmood, Khan, S., Xia, P., Irfan, M., Wong, E.C., Chan, R., Cao, P. (2023). Cross Modality Generative Learning Framework for Anatomical Transitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) from Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) Image. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.
  • Nawaz Mehmood, et al. (2022). Hand Gestures Classification Using Electrical Impedance Tomography Images. IEEE Sensors Journal.
  • Khan, T., Naqvi, S.S., Nawaz Mehmood et al. (2022). Prompt Deep Lightweight Vessel Segmentation Network (PLVS-Net). IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.
  • Nawaz Mehmood, Yan, H. (2021). Saliency Detection Using Deep Features and Affinity-Based Robust Background Subtraction. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
  • Nawaz Mehmood, Yan, H. (2020). Saliency Detection via Multiple-Morphological and Superpixel-Based Fast Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering Network. Expert Systems with Applications.
  • Khan, S., Nawaz Mehmood, Yan, H. (2019). Image Correspondence with CUR Decomposition-Based Graph Completion and Matching. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
  • Shahid, A.R., Nawaz Mehmood, Yan, H., Fan, X. (2022). View-Adaptive Graph Neural Network for Action Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.
  • Nawaz Mehmood et al. (2023). Artificial Intelligence-Based Approaches for Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI: A Survey. Applied Intelligence (under review).
  • Abaxi, S.M.D., Nawaz Mehmood et al. (2023). LiDeOCTNet: A Lightweight OCT-Aware Framework for Segmentation of Irregularly Layered Tissue Structures. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (under review).
  • Nawaz Mehmood et al. (2023). Deep Learning Aided Thermal Camera Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Vehicles to Improve Cognitive Robustness in Adverse Weather. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (under review).
  • Nawaz Mehmood et al. (2023). Volume-to-Volume Vascular Network Learning for Single Scan Motion Insensitive OCTA in Retina. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (under review).
Conference Papers
  • Nawaz Mehmood, Sheheryar Khan, Jianfeng  CAO, Rizwan Qureshi and Hong Yan. “Saliency Detection by Using Blended Membership Maps of Fast Fuzzy-C-Mean Clustering” ICMV 2019, Germany. 
  • Nawaz Mehmood, R Xie, L Zhang, M Asfandyar, M Hussain  “Image Super-Resolution by sparse linear regression and iterative back projection” (Published in BMSB 2016, Japan)
  • Rizwan  Qureshi,  Nawaz Mehmood,  Sheheryar  Khan,  and  Hong  Yan  “Principal  Component Analysis and Clustering to  reveal the Dynamics of  EGFR  with L858R and T790M Mutation” (ICBRA 2019), Seoul, Korea, 2019. 
  • M Asfandyar, Nawaz Mehmood, M Hussain “Accelerated CU Decision Based on Enlarged CU Sizes for HEVC UHD Videos” (Published in ICBSP- 2016, Beijing)
  • M Asfandyar, Nawaz Mehmood, X Rong, L Zhang, M Hussain “Block of Interest Based AVS to HEVC Transcoding with Resolution Conversion” ( Published in IFTC- 2016, Shanghai )
  • M Hussain, R Xie, L Zhang, Nawaz Mehmood, M Asfandyar “Multi-target tracking identification system under multi-camera surveillance system” (Published in PIC- 2016, Shanghai) 

Professional Experiences

  • 2024-Present Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Data Science, Hong Kong Shue Yan University
  • 2021-2024 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 2020-2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong2020-2021 Senior Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer, Zyteric Technology, Hong Kong
  • 2020-2021 Guest Speaker, Department of Data Science, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
  • 2019-2020 Visiting Researcher, School of Information Engineering (Prof. Le Ouyang), Shenzhen University, China
  • 2018-2019 Teaching Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineering, The City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Scholarly and Community Services

  • MS Thesis Examiner:
    • University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
    • Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
  • Memberships:
    • Senior Member, IEEE
    • Member, Science Publishing Group, USA
    • Member, Innovation Forever Publishing Group, USA
    • Member, Modern Intelligent Times (MIT), USA
  • Editorial and Review Roles:
    • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Medical Imaging
    • Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Digital Health
    • Guest Associate Editor, Biosensors, MDPI
    • Topic Editor, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
    • Reviewer for:
      • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
      • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
      • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
      • IEEE Journal of Health and Bioinformatics
      • IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
      • IEEE Access
      • Sensors Journal, IEEE
      • Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
      • Journal of Applied Crystallography
  • Program Committee and Conference Roles:
    • Reviewer and Program Committee Member for several IEEE Conferences