Programme Information


The BSc-DSEGA programme follows a 4-year curriculum structure. To fulfil the degree requirements, students are required to complete 45 credits of electives, bringing the total required credits for graduation to 125. In addition to 48 credits in Core Studies, students are obligated to complete 32 credits under the Common Core Requirement, which encompasses Languages and General Education courses. The study plan is designed to facilitate the development of a robust theoretical and methodological foundation in digital entertainment and game solutions. It includes comprehensive analysis and evaluation of interdisciplinary problems, the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills in tools and techniques, and the cultivation of effective communication abilities in a global context.


The BSc-DSEGA programme addresses the need for digital professionals who combine technical skills, social science/business knowledge, and project management abilities. Its unique positioning meets market demand in the digital entertainment and gaming industries by developing technology solutions for real-world applications.



Programme Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Digital Solutions for Entertainment and Game Applications
娛樂及遊戲應用數碼方案 (榮譽) 理學士課程
Study Level Bachelor's degree
Mode of Study Full-time
Duration of Programme 4 years
Number of academic credits required for graduation 125 credits
Estimated No. of New Students per year 40
Annual Tuition Fee#

Apply for NMTSS or other Financial Subsidies

#The tuition fee level is subject to annual review

^Deduction of NMTSS subsidies is applicable for eligible local students

Graduate Profile (for degree programmes) Graduates of the Programme are equipped to pursue careers as interactive designers, serious game designers, health game designers, advergame designers, digital entertainment producers, AI robotic designers, programmers, and in various roles in the creative industries.
Programme Structures


Programme Structure for Year-1 Entry (for reference only)

Language Requirement (14 credits)
Course Name
CHI 101-2
First Year Chinese I & II
ENG 111-2
English Usage I & II
General Education Requirement (*Please refer to the GE course list.)
Major Core Courses (12 credits)
Code Course Name Credits
DGA 100 Introduction to Digital Entertainment 3
DGA 111 Content Design for Digital Solutions 3
MDIT 110 Principles of Interactive Design 3
MDIT 210 Human-Centered UX/UI Design 3
Departmental Elective Courses (Choose TWO)
Code Course Name Credits
ADS 100
Introduction to Data Science
ADS 210
Digital Humanities: Theories & Methods
BUS 100 Introduction to Business 3
PSY 100 Introductory Psychology 3
PRA 130 Principles of Advertising and Marketing 3
Total Credits 38
Language Requirement (6 credits)
Course Name
ENG 211-2
English Writing I & II
General Education Requirement (*Please refer to the GE course list.)
Major Core Courses (12 credits)  
Code Course Name Credits
DSA 212 eSports and Virtuality 3
DSA 213 Game Programming Studio 3
DSA 215 Artificial Intelligence Programming Studio 3
DSA 216 Game Production and 3D Animation 3
Departmental Elective Courses (Choose TWO)
Code Course Name Credits
SOC 257 Art and Society 3
SOC 204 Cultures in the Contemporary World 3
PSY 200 Social Psychology 3
HIST 252 Globalization and China 3
PRA 200 Public Relations and the Media 3
MDIT 220 Understanding AR/VR 3
DSA 210 Serious Games and Advergames 3
DSA 211 Gaming for Social Design 3
Free Elective Requirement (*Please refer to the Free Elective course list.)
Total Credits 33
Major Core Courses (12 credits)
Course Name
DSA 325 Artificial Intelligence for Robots 3
DSA 310 Social Robotics Workshop 3
IDP 311 Interdisciplinary Project (Social Science) 3
IDP 312 Interdisciplinary Project (Business) 3
Departmental Elective Courses (Choose FOUR) (12 credits)  
Code Course Name Credits 
SOC 308 Culture, Heritage and Society 3
SOC 312 Popular Culture in Asia 3
PSY 306 Business Psychology 3
ADS 480 Cloud Computing 3
BUS 351 Data Analytics for Marketing 3
JOUR 301 Intermediate Audio-Visual Production 3
JOUR 395 Social Media and Network Communication 3
MDIT 320 VR/AR Application Development 3
DSA 315 Digital Games and Mental Health 3
DSA 317 Entertainment and Play Culture 3
Free Elective Requirement (*Please refer to the Free Elective course list.)
Total Credits 30
Internship (during Summer Break)  
Code Course Name Credits 
DSA 410 Professional Internship 3
Capstone Project    
Code Course Name Credits 
DSA 411 Capstone Project 6
Departmental Elective Courses (Choose THREE) (9 credits)  
Code Course Name Credits 
ADS 410 Introduction to Machine Learning 3
PSY 307 Educational Psychology 3
SOC 413 Digitized Media, Culture and Society 3
ACT 422 Culture, Games, and Gamification 3
JOUR 460 Data Analytics for Marketing Digitization and Interactive Multimedia 3
MDIT 420 Game Engines for Game Development 3
DSA 422 The World of Game-Based Robots 3
DSA 421 Management for Entertainment Industries 3
Free Elective Requirement (*Please refer to the Free Elective course list.)
Total Credits 24
Graduation Required Credits 125