Good News! Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Data Science (BSc-ADS) (JUPAS Code: JSSY02) from The Department of Applied Data Science will be subsidized by the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) starting from the 2025/26 academic year.
BSc-ADS represents the first Bachelor of Science programme at Hong Kong Shue Yan University. This programme is designed to equip graduates with the interdisciplinary skills necessary to address the challenges of interpreting large volumes of data and effectively communicating the results to relevant stakeholders. By fostering data-driven decision-making, the BSc-ADS programme aims to prepare students to tackle real-world problems in the digital arena.
Furthermore, the Department also is launching the "Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Digital Solutions for Entertainment and Game Applications (BSc-DSEGA)" and the "Master of Science in Game Development and Management (MSc-GDM)" in the coming September 2025, in response to the rapid development of the innovative technology and creative industries. These courses are designed for students who are passionate about the digital entertainment, gaming industry and aspire to succeed in this thriving field. The two levels of courses combine theoretical knowledge, practical and management skills, aiming to cultivate students into professionals in the field of digital entertainment and game development.
If you are passionate about digital entertainment, game development and management and wish to succeed in this promising field, we invite you to join our newest programmes this fall. We look forward to creating amazing games together with you!
好消息!由2025/26學年起,香港樹仁大學應用數據科學系的應用數據科學理學士(榮譽)(BSc-ADS) 課程(聯招編號:JSSY02)將獲指定專業/界別學生資助計劃(SSSDP)資助。
BSc-ADS 是香港樹仁大學首個理學士學位課程。本課程旨在裝備畢業生,使他們具備所需的跨學科技能,以應付詮釋大量數據和有效地將結果傳達給相關利益者的挑戰。通過培養數據驅動的決策,課程旨在讓學生為解決數位領域的實際問題做好準備。
此外,本學系亦將於2025年9月開辦「娛樂及遊戲數碼應用數碼方案(榮譽)理學士課程」 (BSc-DSEGA),及「遊戲開發與管理理碩士課程」 (MSc-GDM),迎合當前創新科技產業的急促發展。課程專為那些對數碼娛樂與遊戲產業充滿熱情並希望在這些領域開發中獲得成功的學生而設。課程結合了理論知識、實踐和管理技能,旨在培養學生成為遊戲開發的專業人才。如果您對數碼娛樂與遊戲開發和管理充滿熱情,並且希望在這個充滿潛力的領域中取得成功,我們誠邀您加入我們最新開辦的兩級課程。期待著與你一起創造出令人驚歎的遊戲作品!