香港樹仁大學應用數據科學學系袁文貞博士現正與仁濟醫院社會服務部合作研發一套智能中文讀寫障礙(書寫困難)檢測系統。為了提高老師和家長對幼兒讀寫障礙的認識,在2022年6月25日,仁大和仁濟合作舉辦兩場線上講座,主題為讀寫攻略《認讀與書寫困難 : 成因與訓練技巧》。

講座開始時,主持人簡單介紹這次研究項目和兩位主講嘉賓 - 臨床心理學家何月群姑娘和一級職業治療師梁玉芬姑娘。講座的內容包括提升幼兒認讀能力的重要技巧、探討影響幼兒書寫的成因和介紹相關訓練(包括執筆的姿勢訓練、學習書寫筆劃)。兩場講座吸引了來自41間幼兒中心和幼稚園的70位老師,以及50位家長。講座聽眾與講者熱烈討論很多問題,並且非常期待仁大和仁濟的研究成果。

Dr. Connie Yuen from Department of Applied Data Science of Hong Kong Shue Yan University is recently collaborating with Yan Chai Hospital Social Services Department to develop a Cloud Intelligence Assessment System on Identification on Developmental Dyslexia of Chinese Language . In order to raise the awareness of teachers and parents about children's dyslexia, two sessions of online talk were held on June 25, 2022.

At the beginning of the talk, the host briefly introduced the research project and two key speakers - Clinical Psychologist Ms. He Yuequn and Occupational Therapist I Ms. Leung. The talk included important skills to improve children's reading and recognition ability, explored the causes affecting children's writing, and introduced related trainings (e.g. writing posture training, learning writing strokes). The two sessions of online talk attracted 70 teachers and 50 parents from 41 child care centers and kindergartens. The audience and speakers had a lively discussion on many issues and were very much looking forward to the research results of the project.