柯晓波 博士
Dr. KE Xiaobo (Bob)

Assistant Professor

Dr. Bob Xiaobo Ke is a researcher exploring the impacts of digital technologies in social, commercial, and behavioral contexts. His research interests encompass topics related to IT and digitalization, including esports, gamification for social good, playable media, IT for geriatric caregiving, and online crowdsourcing.

Before joining Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Dr. Ke was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) from 2023 to 2024, and at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) from 2022 to 2023, following the completion of his Ph.D. at CityUHK. He also holds an Honorary Research Fellowship (2024) at the Sau Po Centre on Ageing at HKU.

Dr. Ke’s research has been published in international journals and presented at conferences across multiple disciplines. His work has appeared in information systems outlets such as Internet Research and Communications of the Association for Information Systems, human-computer interaction journals including Computers in Human Behavior, and in the sports management journal Managing Sport and Leisure.

He is fluent in Cantonese, Putonghua, and English. In his leisure time, he enjoys going to the gym, jogging, and playing table tennis.


Courses Taught

  • Computational Thinking
  • Understanding VR/AR
  • Research Methods and Design
  • Information Management
  • Family and Development in Modern China (IT and Digital Media Section)

Area of Interest

  • Esports, Gamification, Playable Media, IT and Ageing, Online Crowdsourcing


Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D., School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, 2018-2022 (Supervisor: Prof. Christian Wagner)
  • M.Mgt., School of Management, Guangdong University of Technology (Provincial Outstanding Graduate), 2015-2018
  • B.Mgt., School of Management, Guangdong University of Technology (University Outstanding Graduate), 2011-2015

Funded Projects

  • Amateur esports and health: Designing an integrated participation framework that promotes healthy lifestyles among mass gamers, Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, Research Grants Council (RGC) and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Role: Co-I, Status: On-going.
  • Achieving successful caregiving from a socio-technical perspective: Construct conceptualization and model validation among family caregivers of people with dementia, General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), HK, Role: Co-I, Status: On-going.
  • Social media capital and successful caregiving in behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia management, Seed Fund for Basic Research, HKU, Role: Co-I, Status: Completed.
  • Research on the mechanism and evolution of competitive advantage of enterprise mobile social platform: A social construction-technology dependency perspective, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Role: Co-I, Status: Completed.


Journal Articles (*Corresponding Author)
  • Ke, X.*, & Wagner, C. (2024) What explains the next level of gaming? An experience-anticipation model for amateur esports participation. Computers in Human Behavior, 153, 108125.
  • He, W., Ke, X.*, Du, H. S. (2023) Social media enabled individual dynamic capabilities: The boundary spanning perspective. Behaviour & Information Technology, 42 (12), 1914-1930.
  • Ke, X.*, Wagner, C., & Du, H. S. (2022) Calling for information systems research on esports: An overview study. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 50(1), 10.
  • Ke, X.*, & Wagner, C. (2022). Global pandemic compels sport to move to esports: Understanding from brand extension perspective. Managing Sport and Leisure, 27(1-2), 152-157.
  • Du, H. S., Ke, X.*, & Wagner, C. (2020). Inducing individuals to engage in a gamified platform for environmental conservation. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 120(4), 692-713.
  • Du, H. S., Ke, X.*, He, W. Chu, S. K., & Wagner, C. (2019). Achieving mobile social media popularity to enhance firm’s customer acquisition: Cases from P2P lending firms. Internet Research, 29(6), 1386-1409.
  • Du, H. S.*, Ke, X., Chu, S. K., & Chan, L. T. (2017). A bibliometric analysis of emergency management using information systems (2000-2016). Online Information Review, 41(4), 454-470.
  • Du, H. S., Chen, Y.*, Ke, X., & Jiang, R. (2017). “Internet+Eco-agriculture” sustainable development: Guangdong green valley model. Management Review, 29(6), 264-272. (In Chinese)
  • Du, H. S.*, Ke, X., Yi, H., & Hu, S. (2017). A review of social media popularity studies: A technology dependent and social construction perspective. Journal of Guangdong University of Technology, 34(04), 1-11. (In Chinese)
  • Du, H. S., Ke, X.*, Hou, R., Zhu, L., & Chen, Y. (2016). HSM-based enterprise WeChat study: An empirical analysis of P2P lending companies. Management Review, 28(12): 198-212. (In Chinese)
Conference Papers (*Corresponding Author)
  • Ke, X.*, & Wagner, C. (2023). Facilitating amateur esports participation among mass gamers: A serious leisure perspective, The 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023).
  • Ke, X.*, & Wagner, C. (2022). Everyday gaming induces amateur esports participation through commitment. The 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022).
  • Ke, X.*, & Wagner, C. (2020). Visualizing emotion and absorption through a low resolution LED array: From electroencephalography to internet of things. The 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction) (HCII 2020).
  • Ke, X.*, & Wagner, C. (2019). The impact of game peripherals on gamer experience and performance. The 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction) (HCII 2019).
  • Ke, X.*, Du, H. S., & Wagner C. (2019). Encouraging individuals to go green by gamification: An empirical study. The 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019).
  • He, W.*, Ke, X., Du, H. S., & Liu W. (2019). Social media-enabled individual dynamic capabilities: The boundary spanning perspective. The 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019).
  • Ke, X.*, He, W., & Du, H. S. (2017), Developing individual dynamic capabilities by social media: A empirical investigation. The 15th Annual Workshop of Diffusion Interest Group in Information Technology (DIGIT 2017).
  • Ke, X.*, Chen, Y., & Du, H. S. (2016). Achieving mobile social media popularity: An empirical investigation. The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016).
  • Hu, X.*, Zhang, Y., Chu, S. K., & Ke, X. (2016). Towards personalizing an e-quiz bank for primary school students: An exploration with association rule mining and clustering. The 6th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK 2016).


Professional Experiences

Postdoctoral Research Experience
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, May 2023-Sept. 2024 (team of Prof. Christian Wagner, Chair Professor of Social Media)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong, April 2022-May 2023 (team of Prof. Vivian W. Q. Lou, Professor and Director of Sau Po Centre on Ageing)
  • Professional Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (issued by Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong)
  • Certificate of Completion in Building AI Knowledge and Skills for Curriculum Development (issued by City University of Hong Kong)
Scholarly and Community Services
Track Associate Editor
  • The 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2023)
  • The 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2021)
  • Computers in Human Behavior
  • Technology in Society
  • Information & Management
  • Internet Research
  • International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
  • Online Information Review
  • Thinking Skills and Creativity
  • Journal of Information & Knowledge Management
  • Social Policy and Society
  • Frontier in Public Health
  • International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
  • European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
  • Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
  • Esports Research Network Conference
Fellowship and Membership
  • Centre on Ageing Fellow, Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong
  • Member of the Association for Information Systems
  • Member of the Esports Research Network
Awards and Scholarships
  • Outstanding Academic Performance Award, City University of Hong Kong (2021)
  • Research Tuition Scholarship, City University of Hong Kong (2019 and 2020)
  • Postgraduate Scholarship, Hong Kong University Grants Committee, (2018-2021)
  • Yip Yuen Yuk Hing Hall Active Resident Award (2018)
  • Excellent Postgraduate Students in Guangdong Province (2018)
  • National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students (2016 and 2017)
  • The 14th Challenge Cup National College Students’ Extracurricular Academic Science & Technology Works Contest (“挑戰杯”全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽), First Prize Winner (2015)
  • National Scholarship for Undergraduate Students (2012, 2013, and 2014)
  • The 4th Nationwide University’s E-Commerce “3C” Contest (全國大學生電子商務“創新、創意及創業”挑戰賽), First Prize Winner (2012)